Chairman’s Message

Er. P.N. Verma Chairman’s
Dear Students,
In today’s world, globalization is rapidly increasing, bringing with it expanded personal mobility, access to knowledge, increased demand for higher education and increased need of continuing education. The twenty first century undoubtedly belongs to the men and women of strength and excellence in professional fields. I staunchly believe that freedom of individual development is the basis of democracy; intellectual progress demands the maintenance of sprit of free enquiry.
Education, One of the human resource development strategies, is a powerful tool for peaceful social transformation and for overall development and prosperity of any nation. It should be free from shackles of ignorance, prejudice & unfounded believes. Education is an important index of human development. Higher education is needed a vital tool of intellectual, cultural, aesthetic development and a means for achieving wider social aspirations.
The responsibility of BGI is to provide the best of the students in the context to the changing scenario and also giving preference to the local students by giving them quality education. BGI shall always endeavor to emerge as an excellent launching ground for success, helping students to reach the pinnacle of glory in the rapidly developing India. Our goal is to make our students best citizens on completion of their higher education, capable of establishing themselves in any part of the country to lead a happy and prosperous life.
Best wishes……………………